Our mission partners around the world

Batesville Christian Church is committed to the Great Commission, as presented by Jesus Christ, here in our community, our state, our country and the world. Fifteen percent of our church budget is given to Mission organizations. The Missions Team exists to provide members of the Batesville Christian Church with a worldview of evangelism by supporting worldwide missions and offering opportunities for short-term mission experiences. Below is a list of the ministries we partner with for the sake of the gospel.

  • Haitian Christian Ministries

    This multi-faceted ministry heads up a church, Christian school, vocational program and a medical clinic to serve the people in the surrounding communities.

    Locaton: Pillatre, Haiti

    Website: www.hcmin.org

  • Lakeview Bible college and seminary

    This ministry provides top-quality Christian educational and leadership training that will furnish leaders with both church-planting and ministry-training skills for the churches they lead.

    Location: Anna Nagar, Chennai, India

    Missionary: Peter Ignatius

    Website: www.lakeviewbcs.com

  • KOREan gospel ministries

    Missionaries teach at Hanmin College and Bible Seminary, preach at the Light and Life Christian Church, and write and translate Christian church materials for the Korean people.

    Location: Republic of Korea

    Missionary: Dongho Cho

    Website: http://kccs.info

  • Mahoning valley Christian Service Camp

    We support this Church camp which is dedicated to the training of youth and adults in the will of God

    Location: Rushville, IN

    Executive Director: Josh Miller

    Website: www.mahoningvalley.org

  • welcome home haiti

    This ministry exist to glorify God through providing safe, secure, and sanitary homes for Christian families in Northern Haiti. They empower families through the home building process by providing employment and discipling our work crew to become more Godly husbands, fathers, and church leaders.

    Location: Haiti

    Missionary: Steve and Shelley Hari

    Website: www.welcomehomehaiti.com